A Reflection on My Birthday: Missing You

 Today is my birthday, a day that should be filled with joy and celebration, yet I find myself engulfed in sadness and longing. Every year, this day serves as a poignant reminder of your absence, and my heart aches a little more with each passing year.

Birthdays are supposed to be a time of happiness, surrounded by loved ones and laughter. But without you here, everything feels incomplete. I find myself missing you in every corner of my life. Your absence is like a shadow that follows me, a constant reminder of what once was and what could have been.

I look around and see the beauty of the village, the land, the animals, and the simple pleasures that should bring contentment. Yet, they all pale in comparison to the void you left behind. The laughter of the peacocks, the gentle lowing of the cows, the playful antics of the goats and hens – all seem to echo the silence you left in my heart.

Everywhere I turn, I am haunted by memories of us. The places we used to talk about visiting together, the dreams we shared – they all serve as painful reminders of the time we connected. It hurts to see others celebrate with their loved ones, while I am left with nothing but memories and heartache.

tahir's birthday picture

Today, as I turn another year older, I can't help but reflect on the pain that has accompanied me for so long. It’s as if each birthday marks another year of enduring the same heartache, the same sense of loss. I find myself wondering how much longer I can bear this burden, how much longer I can go on pretending that everything is okay when it’s not.

I wish you were here to celebrate with me, to make this day special. I miss your presence, your laughter, the way you made everything better just by being there. Without you, birthdays are just another reminder of what I’ve lost.

So here I am, on my birthday, feeling more alone than ever. The hurt doesn't seem to fade with time; it only grows stronger. I try to find solace in the small things, the everyday beauty of life in the village, but nothing can fill the emptiness inside.

To anyone reading this, know that it's okay to feel pain and sadness, to miss someone so deeply it hurts. Life is not always about happiness and celebrations; sometimes, it's about enduring the heartache and finding a way to move forward, even when it feels impossible.

Today, I honor my pain and my love for you. Happy birthday to me, and wherever you are, know that you are deeply missed and forever cherished.
