Whispers of Deception: A Poetic Voyage Across Broken Trust

 In the dark corners of my heart, I feel the pain of your betrayal, shading the memories that were once full of love and warmth. Every word I write feels like a tear falling onto the paper, mourning the love that was hurt by your unfaithfulness. Since the day you left, I've been hurting, haunted by broken promises and shattered dreams.

I walk through the remains of our love, tracing the cracks in my heart with shaky hands, unable to mend what you've left behind. Your absence feels like a big wound, draining away the trust I used to have. How could you break our bond so heartlessly?

In the quiet of the night, I'm lost in regrets, drowning in the lies you told. Your apologies don't ease the pain; they only remind me of the betrayal staining our love. But amid this mess, a glimmer of hope remains, guiding me towards healing.

But oh, how I miss you, despite the pain you caused. Your absence is like a sad song, filled with longing and despair, echoing through my broken heart. So, I keep writing, pouring out my sadness onto these pages, finding comfort in poetry.
